5.) A nice old man invites you and your friends to evaluate
Last updated: 7/30/2022

5.) A nice old man invites you and your friends to evaluate his new amusement park. While enjoying one of the attractions, the power goes out! Meanwhile, the water in your drinking cup starts to vibrate... A short time later, an angry Tyrannosaurus Rex is running straight towards your parked jeep. A T-Rex can run at 45 mph (20.11 m/s), and this one is already at full speed, a distance of 150 m away. a. If you do nothing, how long will it take the T-Rex to reach your jeep? b. Cleary, you must go faster. You hit the gas the moment you see the T-Rex. What acceleration a would the jeep need in order to match the T-Rex's speed in exactly 6 seconds? C. Let's assume the jeep accelerates from rest at 2.3 m/s² to get away. After 8s, how far apart are the jeep and the dinosaur? 8:56 PM