5 Duodenum 6 Esophagus 7 Gallbladder 8 Sigmoid colon 9
Last updated: 11/10/2023

5 Duodenum 6 Esophagus 7 Gallbladder 8 Sigmoid colon 9 Pharynx 10 Pancreas 11 Liver 12 Ascending colon 3 Tooth 4 Ileum Tongue Stomach in column A with the appropriate description in column B B a This structure is connected to the large intestine at the cecum b The cells in this organ produce bile c This structure is posterior to the nasal and oral cavities d This structure is found along the floor of the oral cavity e This structure travels around the head of the pancreas f This structure is the S shaped portion of the large intestine g This retroperitoneal structure is posterior to the stomach h The pyloric sphincter is located at the junction of this structure and the small intestine i This structure is a storage site for bile j The right colic flexure represents the junction between this structure and the transverse colon abrsip lensbou k In the neck this structure passes posterior to the trachea 1 Blood vessels and nerves are found in the pulp cavity of this structure niew late