51 What is the term for money that is given to candidates
Last updated: 5/18/2023

51 What is the term for money that is given to candidates for any use A Dark money B Light money C Soft money D Free money 52 What is an individual employed by interest group who tries to influence governmental decisions on behalf of that group A Lobbyists B Interest group chair C Party official D Sithlord 53 What is the term for when the incentive to benefit from others work without making a contribution which leads individuals in a collective action situation to refuse to work together A The budget paradox B Interest group defection C Free rider problem D Leaching syndrome 54 What is the name of the court case that allowed money collected from donors to used against incumbents that is never disclosed A lowa Democrats v State of Texas B Citizens United v Federal Election Commission C Mallory v Texas D McCulloch v Maryland 55 What is it called when an interest group organized as an umbrella organization that seeks to coordinate the various activities of member groups in a number of targeted areas A Peak association B Highest percentage of money raised C Resident Evil 7 D Political Action Committee 56 What is the term for when money collected by outside entities that do not disclose the donors A Light money B Soft money C Dark money