61 What is the outer covering of the bone A perichondrium
Last updated: 2/5/2023

61 What is the outer covering of the bone A perichondrium Bperiosteum C endosteum D capsule 63 Which of the following provide a pathway for the diffusion of nutrients within compact bone A lamellae CB canaliculi C periosteum D endosteum 55 The spaces of the spongy bone are lined by A endosteum B periosteum C perichondrium D capsule woven bone 62 What forms the skeleton of the fetus A bone Bhyaline cartilage C dense connective tissue D fibrocartilage 64 Which is the type of the collagen present in bone A 1 B II C III D IV 66 The processes of which bone cell are placed in the canaliculi A osteoblasts B osteocytes Costeoclasts