7 Determine which of the six areas of evolutionary evidence
Last updated: 5/11/2023

7 Determine which of the six areas of evolutionary evidence each of the following items Analyzing the Theory of Continental Drift and the distribution of different species on each continent Genomics has allowed us to compare the DNA of different species which can reveal how closely related different species are A Fossil Record B Comparative Anatomy C Comparative Biochemistry D Molecular Biology Over thousands of years structures that no longer serve a purpose decrease in size as new species evolve example human appendix Imprints and petrified remains of plants demonstrate that simple mosses and ferns evolved into more complex flowering plants When species have the same protein their amino acid sequences can be compared for differences which reveals how closely related they are All vertebrates go through an early developmental stage where they develop gill pouches In fish these become the gills but in humans these become the connection between the ears and throat hoy on the right E Comparative Embryology F Biogeography