7 How did cyanobacteria contribute to changes in the early
Last updated: 9/20/2023

7 How did cyanobacteria contribute to changes in the early Earth environment a They generated CO that then accumulated in the atmosphere This carbon dioxide provided a necessary carbon source that drove the evolution of autotrophic organisms b They generated O that then accumulated in the atmosphere allowing for the evolution of organisms that could utilize oxygen for respiration c They generated N providing a nitrogen source that could then be used to build nucleic acids d They generated CH4 driving a global warming period that allowed temperatures to reach a level that could support eukaryotic life forms 8 The transition from the practice of varioliation to that of vaccination to protect individuals from smallpox was a milestone in the history of medicine How did the early smallpox vaccine administered by Edward Jenner differ from the earlier practice of varioliation a He boiled the pus obtained from smallpox patients a much more effective method to render the virus unable to cause disease b He administered the smallpox virus orally to patients instead of subcutaneously which proved to be less likely to cause disease c When he administered the vaccine containing smallpox he followed up with patients after 30 days to administer a booster vaccine containing another dose of smallpox d The vaccine which he used contained the cowpox virus which caused a much milder form of disease in humans but still protected them against smallpox 9 What was the first disease that Robert Koch was successfully able to attribute to a specific organism a Diverticulitis was caused by Clostridiides difficile b Peurperal fever was caused by Streptococcus pyogenes c Anthrax was caused by Bacillus anthracis d Influenza was caused by the influenza virus 10 Which of the following correctly defines the term metagenome a A genome that exceeds 10 million base pairs b It is the genome that is found within mitochondria c It is the sum of all of the genomes found within a microbial community d It is the theoretical genome of the first cellular organism that likely evolved around 3 6 billion years ago 11 Which of the following is FALSE regarding the phospholipid bilayer a Fatty acid chains generally contain an even number of carbons e g C8 C10 b The membrane has both hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties c The types of phospholipids incorporated in the cell membrane may change depending on the cell s environment d It is considered selectively permeable because negatively charged molecules can passively diffuse through the bilayer but positively charge molecules cannot passively diffuse through the