7 STEM Connection Hannah is measuring three sheets of metal
Last updated: 1/23/2024

7 STEM Connection Hannah is measuring three sheets of metal Sheet A is 1 times as long as Sheet B Sheet C is 2 3 times as long as Sheet A Order the sheets from least length to greatest length ACB 8 Tyler has three dogs of different weights Max Daisy and Charlie 3 as much as 8 Daisy weighs as much as Max Charlie weighs Daisy Who weighs the least How do you know Charlke 9 Hugo is organizing his books from shortest to tallest His math book is 2 times as tall as his science book His reading book as tall as his science book In what order should Hugo organize his books 7 is muth reading science 10 Extend Your Thinking What will happen to the product if a whole number is multiplied by Thee 82 predect answer 15