79 For NaCl crystal the sublimation Energy of Nais 108 5 KJ
Last updated: 7/3/2023

79 For NaCl crystal the sublimation Energy of Nais 108 5 KJ 79 NaCl 3 13 TAH Chemical Bondin 11 Bond dissociation energy of Cl is 243 KJ lonization energy 2 of Na is 495 2 KJ and electron affinity of Cl is 348 3 KJ and lattice energy of NaCl crystal is 758 7 KJ Calculate the value of AH for NaCl Cl 1 281 8 KJ mole 2 381 8 KJ mole 3 265 8 KJ mole 4 395 3 KJ mole nic Na 108 5 d Na 492 21 Na t 243 cl 384 3 CL N 243 K 348 3 KJ NaCl3 758 7 KJ 1 281 8 KJ mole 2 381 8 KJ mole 3 265 8 KJ mole 4 395 3 KJ mole 108 5 KJ Cl 495 2 KJ CScacia y 1187 0 74 3 7