8 How many minutes in 3 5 years 9 How many decades are there
Last updated: 2/7/2023

8 How many minutes in 3 5 years 9 How many decades are there in 9 centuries There are 10 years in a decade 10 In the fictitious country of Ayarceeville 1 00 chemzels equals 0 50 U S dollars What is the cost of 6 onions in Ayarceeville if 3 onions weigh 1 5 lb and the price one pound of onions is 35 cents in the US 11 What is the cost to drive from Sacramento to San Francisco 90 miles if the cost of gasoline is 3 98 gal and the automobile gets 18 mi gal of gasoline 12 How many cars are there in a long freight train if it takes the entire train 2 00 min to pass a station as it travels 40 0 miles per hour Each car is 50 0 feet long There are 5280 feet in a mile 13 How many oranges are in a crate if the price of a crate is 1 60 and the price of oranges is 0 20 lb On the average there are three oranges per pound 14 The price of a ream of paper is 4 00 There are 500 sheets of paper in a ream If a sheet of paper weighs 0 500 oz what is the price per pound of paper There are 16 oz in a pound