800 g of the ideal gas is contained in a rigid container of
Last updated: 7/8/2022

800 g of the ideal gas is contained in a rigid container of the volume V at 2 atm and 25 degrees C. If the number of molecules in the container is 12.044 × 10^23 (one mole of gas contains 6.022 x 10^23 molecules and 1atm = 1.01 x 10^5 Pa, 1L=10^-3 m^3) a) How many moles of the gas is there in the container? b) What is the volume V in L? c) What is the molar mass of the gas in grams? d) What is the mass of one molecule of the gass? e) If the pressure is decreased to 0.5 atm and half of the gas is released from the container what is the temperature of the gas in C?