85 Two lenses are placed in contact with each other and the
Last updated: 6/10/2023

85 Two lenses are placed in contact with each other and the focal length of combination is 80 cm If the focal length of one is 20 cm then the power of the other will be a 1 66 D c 1 00 D b 4 00 D d 3 75 D 86 A ray of light falls on a denser rarer boundary from denser side The critical angle is 45 The maximum deviation the ray can undergo is b 45 a 30 c 90 d 120 87 A plano convex lens of refractive index 1 5 and radius of curvature 30 cm is silvered at the curved surface Now the lens has been used to form the c f 92 A concave lens o contact with a pl a convex mirror b concave mirror c concave mirro d concave mirro