9 In angiosperms fruits play an important role in seed
Last updated: 3/5/2023

9 In angiosperms fruits play an important role in seed dispersal Plant recognize different types of fruit 11 of which are described in the table below Dried fruits can be further classified as indehiscent the fruit pod does not split open when ripe or dehiscent fruits pods split open when mature 51 Examine the provided examples of fruits Fruit Type Description Ovary wall and seed coat are fused one seed seed is attached at only one point to the ovary wall Ovary wall is thin and fully fused to the seed at all points one seed Category Simple fruits Dry fruits at maturity Fleshy fruits Achene Grain Nut Capsule Legume Follicle Drupe Berry Pome Compound fruits More than one ovary Multiple fruit Aggregate fruit Ovary wall hard or woody but can be separated from seed one seed may have an outer husk Ovary has several cavities in cross section several to many seeds Unprocessed rice Strawberry Ovary has one cavity that opens along both sides many seeds Ovary has one cavity that opens along one side many seeds Ovary with one seed surrounded by very hard seed coat outer covering of seed formed from inner ovary wall Mature ovary tissue soft and fleshy surrounding flower tissue does not develop into fruit many seeds not hardened Fleshy fruit develops in part from surrounding flower tissue base of sepals and petals ovary wall forms core around seeds many seeds Fruit formed from fused ovaries of many flowers Fruit formed from several fused ovaries in one flower Example Sunflower seeds Wheat Walnut Cotton fruit Bean pod Milkweed Cherry Berry Apple Pineapple Blackberry Classify the following fruits using the following terms simple vs compound dry vs fleshy indehiscent vs dehiscent fruit type see chart above 1 Pear 2 Sunflower seed 3 Nectarine Tomato