a 1 Evolution is not supported by scientific evidence b
Last updated: 12/16/2022

a 1 Evolution is not supported by scientific evidence b strongly supported by scientific evidence c not supported by the fossil record C a 2 Humans simulate the process of natural selection when they use new varieties of crop plants that better meet the needs of farmers a artificial selection C habitat changes b d d too obscure to study gene flow 3 Natural selection a is the principle cause of extinctions b is the principle cause of evolutionary change occurs only in gametes cannot occur without genetic drift d continental drift C lead to an increase in genetic drift d decrease the likelihood of adaptation 4 Natural selection tends to a increase the commonality of characteristics that enhance survival and reproduction b decrease the number of individuals in any given population 5 What is biological evolution the process of direct observation of the fossil record b adaptations to common descent over time C the unchanging nature of life on Earth d change in the inherited characteristics of a group of organisms over generations to