A 3 Each point on the graph represents a polar bear Explain
Last updated: 10/30/2023

A 3 Each point on the graph represents a polar bear Explain the answer to each question below Heights and Masses of 8 Polar Bears E 4 2 Height m 14 0 a Which bear has the greatest mass What is this mass b Which bear is the shortest What is its height c Which two bears have the same mass What is this mass 10 d Which two bears have the same height What is this height 8 A B 4 This graph shows the height of the tide in a harbour as a function of time in one day Explain the answer to each question below Height of the Tide in a Harbour 6 B 4 0 00 00 H 200 400 600 800 Mass kg 06 00 12 00 18 00 24 00 Time 24 h clock a What is the greatest height At what times does it occur b What is the least height At what times does it occur c How high is the tide at 04 00 d When is the tide 4 m high 5 To raise a flag Sepideh pulls the rope steadily with both hands for a short time then moves both hands up the rope and pulls again She does this until the flag has been raised Which graph best represents the height of the flag Give reasons for your choice Graph A Graph B Time s Graph C Distance from home km Time s 2 0 6 Gill runs for exercise This graph shows her distance from home during one of her runs Describe Gill s run for each segment of the graph Gill s Run 1 0 O A B Time s Graph D D 20 30 10 Time min Time s 5 3 Interpreting and Sketching Graphs 281