A job placement agency advertised that last year its
Last updated: 8/1/2022

A job placement agency advertised that last year its clients, on average, had a starting salary of $29,500. Assuming that average refers to the mean, which of the following claims must be true based on this information? Note: More than one statement could be true. If none of the statements are true, mark the appropriate box. a)Last year at least one of their clients had a starting salary of exactly $29,500. b)Two years ago some of their clients had a starting salary of at least $29,500. c)Last year some of their clients had a starting salary of less than $34,000. d)Last year more than half of their clients had a starting salary of at least $29,500. e)Last year all of their clients had a starting salary of $29,500 or above. f)None of the above statements are true.