A man walked into Smallville Apartments and burglarized
Last updated: 7/31/2022

A man walked into Smallville Apartments and burglarized several units. When the Smallville crime scene investigators arrived, they found two fingerprints on the counter in one of the units that they believed were left by the perpetrator. The first fingerprint was classified as a loop and the second fingerprint was classified as a whorl. The investigators went back to the police station and looked through their fingerprint cards until they found a local man with a record of driving while under the influence of alcohol who had both loop and whorl fingerprint patterns on the same hand. They arrested the man confident they had found the perpetrator. 1) Why are they wrong to be confident in their arrest and what errors in investigating fingerprints did they make? You should discuss at least three reasons the investigators are incorrect in this situation. 2) What type of prints were collected from the kitchen counter, patent, plastic, or latent? Construct an explanation for what technique could be used to lift and evaluate these prints.