A pipe is rotating with a constant angular velocity in a
Last updated: 6/3/2023

A pipe is rotating with a constant angular velocity in a horizontal plane at a height of from the ground and completely filled with liquid of density p as shown in the figure One end of pipe is open and its cross sectional area is A At t 0 a hole of cross sectional area a a A is created on the other end Take atmospheric pressure P and take gl wl P Q R S Code A B List l The magnitude of flow velocity just outside the hole with respect to ground at t 0 The magnitude of flow velocity just outside the hole with respect to end point P of the pipe at t 0 The magnitude of velocity by which it collide with the ground first time The magnitude of velocity by which it collide with the ground first time with respect to end point P of the pipe P 4 4 Q 330 RI23 S231 Open A 1 2 3 4 List Il wl 200l 2wl l