A Record your results in the table below For cach medium and
Last updated: 3/8/2023

A Record your results in the table below For cach medium and the result of the metabolic test 1 point Species S epidermis S aureus E coli P aeruginosa Mannitol Salt Yes halophilic and can ferment mannitol Produces yellow color colony Yes halophilic and can ferment mannitol Produces yellow color colony MacConkey agar S epidermidis Yes ferments lactose and appears red pink Yes ferments lactose and appears red pink B Does your result for E coli agrees with the literature Please justify your answer 1 point 3 2 Use of differential and selective media MacConkey agar No cannot ferment lactose No not halophilic and cannot ferment mannitol No cannot ferment lactose No not halophilic and cannot ferment mannitol S aureus Mannitol Salt Agar F S epidermidis S aureus