A uniform rod of cross sectional area A 0 2 cm is bent to
Last updated: 6/11/2023

A uniform rod of cross sectional area A 0 2 cm is bent to form a squar of side 1 10 cm The ends A B and C of the square are maintained at 100 C 40 C and 0 C respectively If the thermal conductivity of the material of the rod is k 385 W m C and assuming that the rods are in steady state then for this situation the CORRECT statements are neglect energy losses due to radiation and convection B A 100 C D 40 C 0 C A Net rate of heat supplied by the reservoir at A is 8 47 J s B Temperature of D is less than 0 C C Temperature of D is less than 100 C D Heat current from B to C is 3 08 J s