A uniform rod of mass M length L area of cross section A and
Last updated: 6/14/2023

A uniform rod of mass M length L area of cross section A and Young s modulus Y is suspended vertically from a fixed support Then YH AHGU G Hi GwHA M Atis L KA CHIT A guzga quic Y EEEz y acce A G A CAR Total elongation of rod is MgL 2AY Correct Answer Your Answer B the rod is D MgL 2AY 2 Total elastic potential energy stored in M g L 4AY G3 uka ha uzuzu Kufu kuf C The elastic potential energy stored in the 7 M g L upper half of rod is 48 AY G3 34 gka GzzY KAA Guf 7 M g L 48 AY M g L 4AY upper half of rod is 2 Correct Answer Your Answer The elastic potential energy stored in the M g L 48 4 fa zzu Kft