a Wash your hands before applying the hand sanitizer b Rinse
Last updated: 3/11/2023

a Wash your hands before applying the hand sanitizer b Rinse your hands after applying the hand sanitizer Rub the product only on the palms of your hands d Rub your hands together until they are dry C 16 When cleaning equipment b a Rinse the item in hot water before cleaning Wash the item with soap and cold water Use a brush if necessary Work from dirty to clean areas C d 17 To control a portal of exit a Cover the mouth and nose when coughing b Position drainage containers above the drainage site c Clean the genital area from the rectum to the urethra Leave an open wound uncovered d 18 Which measure prevents the transmission of microbes a Sharing personal care equipment b Holding linens against your uniform c Disinfecting a shower chair after use d Sitting on the person s bed 19 The Bloodborne Pathogen Standard is a regulation of OSHA to protect workers from exposure to pathogens present in blood a True b False 20 Bloodborne pathogens are spread through a Only blood b Blood and other potentially infectious materials c Close contact d Coughing and sneezing 21 According to the Bloodborne Pathogen Standard you should a Wear PPE home so you can clean it b Discard a used razor in a wastebasket c Wear a torn glove d Get a hepatitis B vaccine 22 Blood splashed in your eye at work Which is true a You do not have to report the exposure b You pay for required tests after the exposure