Although genetically modified crops have been on the scene
Last updated: 7/24/2022

Although genetically modified crops have been on the scene for many years, there still remains a large gap between the public sector and biotechnology research and development firms. Most recently, the development of golden rice has been stalled. Golden rice has been genetically modified to increase the production of beta carotene. Beta carotene is a dietary essential that is lacking in the diets of people who live in poverty. Found in Vitamin A, this deficiency has led to partial or total blindness in over half a million children worldwide. Although medical and social research suggest the need for golden rice, certain beliefs hinder its production and distribution, as well as the continued research and development of genetically modified crops. They include all but: A. The unknown impact on ecosystems B. Improvement in both plant and animal resources C. Genetically modified foods are detrimental to human health D. Genetic transfer to unintended crops