Amount of yolk Yolk distribution Cleavage type
Last updated: 3/10/2023

Amount of yolk Yolk distribution Cleavage type Characteristics of cleavage Resulting blastomeres Isolecithal very little uniform throughout egg holoblastic complete rapid equal throughout smaller than parent cell Mesolecithal intermediate sea star concentrated at vegetal pole holoblastic complete unequal much faster at the animal pole smaller at animal pole larger at vegetal pole Telolecithal considerable dense concentrated at centrally located within thin layer one end of egg meroblastic incomplete restricted to a small disc at one end of the egg smaller and numerous at the animal pole than the vegetal pole bird reptile fish Ex Organism frog Q What type of yolk distribution is most likely found in human egg cells Centrolecithal considerable meroblastic incomplete only the nuclei divide in early stage coenocytic blastoderm 1 layer around cell s periphery fruit fly