and the hill in line 50 represent a The transgressions of a
Last updated: 4/4/2023

and the hill in line 50 represent a The transgressions of a divided history that they must overcome b The obstacles that older generations are facing with the new America c The violation of our founding fathers wishes for a better America d The debate about which route is better for this country wers 3x 23 What is implied in lines 52 54 a That our future depends on the past generations ability to overcome tragedy b That our future depends on our ability to accept and try to fix our past mistakes c Pride is stepping in the way of our ability to accept our history d History is repeating itself through our current generation 24 The personification in line 64 serves to a Show that the generations to come will look back at this moment to see what we are doing in the present b Emphasize that the past generations knew this moment would come for us to make the biggest difference c Justify that history and what we make of it is in the hands of those that came before us d Argue that history is not dependent on the decisions we will make 25 What does the idea of authoring a new chapter in line 70 represent a Write history as better than it actually was b To foster the love of reading as a means to educate the future c An opportunity to be and do something different d Rewrite the past in a light that paints it more hopeful