Another application for dilutions A 24 hour urine for
Last updated: 7/4/2023

Another application for dilutions A 24 hour urine for creatinine measurement frequently requires dilution In this example 1800 mL of urine is provided in 24 hours Before measurement the urine is diluted 1 5 and the result is 26 mg dL To calculate the final concentration based on total excretion in the 24 hour period use the following equation Total excretion total urine volume x concentration x dilution Total excretion 1800 ml 24 hr x 26 mg dL x 5 x dl 100 mL Total excretion 2340 mg 24hr or 2 34 g 24 hr 4 Calculate the 24 hour excretion of creatinine if the urine volume is 2 5 L The specimen was diluted 1 4 before measurement The measured creatinine concentration was 25 mg dL What is the total excretion in mg 24 hrs