apostatized converted from our holy Catholle faith the great
Last updated: 10/8/2023

apostatized converted from our holy Catholle faith the great cause of which was interaction between the Jews and these Christians we know that the true remedy for all these injuries and inconveniences was to prohibit all interaction between the said Jews and Christians and banish them Jews from all our kingdoms we desired to content ourselves by commanding them to leave all cities towns and villages of Andalusia where it appears that they have done the greatest injury We resolve to order the said Jews and Jewesses of our kingdoms to depart and never to return or come back And concerning this we command we order all Jews and Jewesses of whatever age they may be who live reside and exist in our said kingdoms depart from all of these our said realms and they shall not dare to return to those places nor to reside in them nor to live in any part of them under pain that if they do not perform and comply with this command they incur the penalty of death and the confiscation of all their possessions by our Chamber of Finance incurring these penalties by the act itself without further trial santence or declaration The Alhambra Edict 1492 32 This order reflects the idea of which time in history 1 Point The Protestant Refomation The Renaissance The Spanish inquisition The Black Death 33 What does the order command of the Jews 1 Point They have to convert to Catholm They will be kiled They have to leave the country They have to pay a fine This question is required 34 According to the document what actions did wicked Christians take that must be stopped 1 Point Enter your answer 35 According to the document what happens to the Jews who refuse the commands of the order 1 Point