Arrivals were asked 29 questions including name occupation
Last updated: 6/16/2023

Arrivals were asked 29 questions including name occupation and the amount of money carried Those with visible health problems or diseases were sent home or held in the island s hospital facilities for long periods of time More than three thousand would be immigrants died on Ellis Island while being held in the hospital facilities Some unskilled workers were rejected because they were considered likely to become a public charge About 2 percent were denied admission into the United States and were instead sent back to their countries of origin for reasons such as having a chronic contagious disease criminal background or insanity Ellis Island was sometimes known as The Island of Tears or Heartbreak Island because of those 2 who were not admitted after the long transatlantic voyage The Kissing Post is a wooden column outside the Registry Room where new arrivals were greeted by their relatives and friends typically with tears hugs and kisses Why was Ellis Island also known as Heartbreak Island Because 2 of the Immigrants were not admitted after crossing the Atlantic Ocean Because many immigrants died in the hospital facilities Because many immigrants cried for joy when they found their relatives