At night, when gazing high up at an electrical tower, one
Last updated: 7/26/2022

At night, when gazing high up at an electrical tower, one might notice a blinking light. Do y knowhey do not hit them when flying low or when getting ready to land. Makes sense, right? know the reason why there are lights up on tall towers? These bright lights warn planes However, did you know that those lights were intially only solid beams? Later, regulations were put in place to make the lights blink. Is the reason for the change so planes can see them better? Not exactly! The reason why the lights blink rather than stay on steadily is because birds were actually crashing into them. According to the Federal Aviation Administration, the solid lights were attracting the birds and disorienting them, and many lost their lives after crashing into the electrical towers. By mandating the change to blinking lights, planes and birds are now safe. What is one supporting detail that supports the main idea?