b Volvox non These colonial organisms are of great interest
Last updated: 2/12/2023

b Volvox non These colonial organisms are of great interest in the study of the emergence of multicellularity Volvox consist primarily of vegetative cells containing a single large chloroplast However these cells may be specialized for reproduction non flagellated gonodium cells or swimming reproductive bi flagellated somatic cells The flagellated cells are smaller and occupy the outer region of the hollow ball The reproductive cells are larger and occupy the interior The colony is held together by a gelatinous extracellular matrix 40 If possible note colonies in the asexual and sexual stages c Chlamydomonas Chlamydomonas are unicellular bi flagellated protists and close relatives of Volvox These organisms alternate between a swimming phase during which the cell grows and a non flagellated reproductive phase during which they replicate their DNA and divide 39 Obtain a slide of Chlamydomonas and label where appropriate If possible note the very faint flagella The flagella may not be visible without a specific stain