Last updated: 2/19/2023

BH OF STOMACH MEDICINES AND BEVERAGES Using the standards made above you will compare the colors of the beverages and stomach medicines assigned to you to determine their pH Remember a hypothesis must be physically observed and measurable Hypothesis such as red cabbage juice smells bad while true is not a hypothesis Red cabbage juice will be green in a basic solution might work because you could test that by experiment All hypotheses should be testable like our example The independent variable is what the scientist puts in to the experiment and the dependent is what the outcome of the experiment For example putting red cabbage juice into a known basic solution and observing any color change Based on your knowledge of the scientific method answer the following questions before proceeding with the experiment Look at the procedure steps and to lab 1 for help you with your answers 1 What could be a possible scientific question for this experiment 1 Comparing the pH of the stomach Medicines and Beverages 2 What hypothesis could be tested with this experiment Hypothesis Such as red cabbage juice smells bad while this is not a true hypothesis rather red cabbage juice will be green in basic solution which can be tested by the experiment 01 22 td Forsyth Technical Community College Lab 03 5 BIO111 General Biology I 3 What is the independent variable in this experiment The independent variable is what scientists put in the experiment Eq Independent variable is the red cabbage juice in the basic solution 4 What is the dependent variable in this experiment The Dependent Variable in the experiment is the outcome of the experiment Eg The colour change ie green colouc observed when the red cabbage juice was put in basic solution