BI In the illustration above a parent cell is going through
Last updated: 12/13/2022

BI In the illustration above a parent cell is going through cell division Black lines represent nucleic acids and blue dots represent kinetochore complexes These nucleic acids are aligned on the cell s metaphase plate Use this information to answer the following questions In this illustration there are 8 molecule s of double stranded DNA 0 chromosome s 2 tetrad s 4 replicated chromosome s 0 daughter chromosome s and 8 sister chromatids This cell is dividing by meiosis is a eukaryote Based on this information we would describe this parent cell and organism as diploid genome composed of 2 different chromosomes or to say this another way 2n 8 x Once cell division is complete we would describe one daughter cell as haploid composed of 4 x different chromosomes or to say this another way n 4 so this organism mostly likely reproduces sexually I x The parent cell has https asulearn appstate edu mod quiz review php attempt 2919673 cmid 1984293 with a non segmented x with a non segmented x genome and 11 20