BONUS Lily frequents 1 of 2 fast food restaurants choosing
Last updated: 10/5/2023

BONUS Lily frequents 1 of 2 fast food restaurants choosing McDonalds 25 of the time and Burger King 75 of the time Regardless of where she goes she buys French Fries on 60 of her visits Define the following events M Lily chooses McDonalds B Lily chooses Burger King F Lily orders French Fries A THEN P M bu bus ploc dura boos P B SHOW YOUR WORK WHAT WERE YOU THINKING WHEN YOU SOLVED EACH PROBLEM P FM P FB Photos surna din das rod pificadong ruttu WD B The next time Lily goes into a fast food restaurant what is the probability that she goes to McDonalds and orders French Fries That is find P MOF byli Imprud on0 5L older C If Lily goes to a fast food restaurant and orders French Fries what is the probability that she is at Burger King That is find P B F