c Brown algae Phaeophyta are distinguished by the pigment
Last updated: 2/12/2023

c Brown algae Phaeophyta are distinguished by the pigment fucoxanthin the brown color Members include the largest algae such as kelp which can grow as high as 100m This is 4 times the height of Building 1 of the Poinciana Campus Extracts of algin a polysaccharide in the cell wall of brown algae are used as thickening agents in food preparation Examples of this group are Fucus and Sargassum Sargassum exists and reproduce as free floating mats in oceans worldwide Fucus on the other hand attach to substrates on the ocean floor Examine the examples on display Draw label the algal body Make sure to include the stem like stipe leaf like blade float and other structures Brown algae e g Sargassum Fucus