c Compressive stress the hanging wall moves down relative d
Last updated: 10/26/2023

c Compressive stress the hanging wall moves down relative d Compressive stress the hanging wall moves up relative to the footwall 31 Elastic deformation may occur when rocks are subject to a Compressive stress b Tensional stress C Shearing stress d Any type of stress 32 Rocks in which elastic deformation occurs Return to their original shape when stress is released Remain in their deformed shape when stress is released Become fractured but retain their original shape d Show no response to stress 33 Rocks in which plastic deformation occurs a b a Tensional stress the b Tensional stress the hanging wall moves up a C b Return to their original shape when stress is released Remain in their deformed shape when stress is released Become fractured but retain their original shape d Show no response to stress 34 Stress is the force applied to rock per unit area strain is a Only ductile b A change in shape or volume c Only brittle resulting in a fracture d Mitigated by an increase in stress 5 Strain is deformation resulting in a Stress b Slip C Magnitude d Cohesion