cells mL You dilute the broth by removing 1mL and adding 4mL
Last updated: 8/5/2023

cells mL You dilute the broth by removing 1mL and adding 4mL of sterile medium to give you dilution tube 1 of bacterial cells You remove 1mL from this first dilution tube and add 9mL of sterile medium to give dilution tube 2 You remove 0 5mL from this second dilution tube and add 9 5mL of sterile medium to give dilution tube 3 Diagram what you performed in the dilutions State each dilution in terms of 1 relative to the previous tube dilution tube 1 Math dilution tube 2 Math dilution tube 3 Math State the overall dilution of tube 3 from the original broth What is the concentration of the bacterial cells in each of the three dilution tubes once the dilution is performed tube 1 Math