ch 16 2022 Pepper Davis slid into second base Out barked the
Last updated: 3/29/2023

ch 16 2022 Pepper Davis slid into second base Out barked the umpire Davis jumped up to argue with him waving her arms She punched him and knocked him down It was an accident but he threw her out of the game Yea I know I m out of the game Davis told him but I wasn t out at second base Photo credit State Archives of Flonda Marge Callaghan tries to slide under Vivian Kellogg s tag in this 1948 action Both women played for the Fort Wayne Daisies Q In 1940s America women were expected to look and act sweet In magazines and movies they wore makeup and high heels But Lavonne Pepper Paire Davis and other members of the All American Girls Professional Baseball League AAGPBL showed another side of being fernale They got sweaty and wore cleats From 1943 1954 these women stepped up to the plate and proved that female athletes came to play A Product of Wartime QUESTION 4 4 8 Which passage from the article best supports the idea that female baseball players were expected to look and act sweet A From 1943 1954 these women stepped up to the plate and proved that female athletes came to play B Players had to go to charm school They were coached in how to dress and wear makeup C The war ended in 1945 but great play and thrilling games still drew big crowds D And it was just the beginning Players like Davis helped young girls dream