Choose a small section of the Narrative of the Life of
Last updated: 7/29/2022

Choose a small section of the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass (do not choose the first paragraph since we discussed it together in class). It can be just a paragraph or two or it can be longer, so long as you feel you can explain the passage and can make a personal connection to it. Summarize, in your own words, what was happening and what was important in thi section of the reading (mention the page number at some point). Your summary should be several sentences. Then, make a connection between this section of the reading and your own life, your own experiences, or to other material you have read/learned about in the past. This portion can be just a couple of sentences, but you should explain why/how you connected to this particular passage from the text. To start your journal entry simply click "Create Journal Entry" above, give the journal entry a title, type up your journal entry in response to this assignment as explained above, and click "Post Entry." This is not a formal assignment and it is not part of your grade though you will get some brief feedback, and you may find it useful to look back at this assignment when you write your Midterm Paper.