cladograms are a little more complex and you may have to
Last updated: 2/2/2023

cladograms are a little more complex and you may have to include multiple branches at the same level such as in the example shown at the right When you have built cladograms with the lowest possible parsimony score compare them to the accepted cladogram Remember Drag the arrows below the table to order the organism columns from fewest characteristics on the left to most on the right Drag the arrows to the right of the table to order the characteristics from fewest organisms on the top to most on the bottom On the CLADOGRAM tab use your table to create cladograms for both Make adjustments until you achieve the lowest possible parsimony score and then compare your cladograms to the accepted cladograms When you are done take a snapshot of the cladograms and save them as a ipg s and upload them here You may also add your pics to a Google doc and save that as a pdf and upload them together Add pics to a Google doc save as a pdf upload to Canvas ORIGANGAS Click on the gray dotted lines to create cladogram lines CLADOGRAM Howler Woolly Chimp Gonilla Baboon Human Reset Persmony score 5 Best possible parsimony scow 4 Newer Older Cladogram help TABLE ARASI Wooly Howler Baboon Gorila Chimp Human Table is correct Sagtal Crest Close Talkss 12 eeth Dipedal Clear table