Color vision Red green color blind Widow s peak No widow s
Last updated: 5/4/2023

Color vision Red green color blind Widow s peak No widow s peak Trait Widow s peak Free earlobes TOP these traits Mid digit hair of WW people of Ww people of ww people 11 As before use the Hardy Weinberg equations to estimate how many people in our classroom population have a given genotype We will skip this for red green color blindness because X linked traits require more complicated calculations q Widow s peak Class data 9 1 z q P Free earlobes Attached earlobes Mid digit hair No mid digit hair of EE people of Ee people of ee people p Free earlobes Class date 2pq 13 10 10 Does p 2pq q 1 Mid digit hair of HH people of Hh people of hh people 12 In our class is the dominant trait always the most frequent Why do you think this is 13 Do you think the frequency of these traits will change if we repeat this experiment in 30 years Some food for thought Do these traits provide an advantage to survival Do people choose their mate tmite