Column 1 1 mouth 2 pharynx 3 esophagus 4 stomach 5 duodenum
Last updated: 1/30/2023

Column 1 1 mouth 2 pharynx 3 esophagus 4 stomach 5 duodenum 6 jejunum 7 ileum 8 colon Column I 1 sigmoid colon Match the term in Column I with its description in Column II 2 rectum 3 anus 4 appendix 5 liver Column 6 gallbladder 7 common bile duct 3 pancreas A Organ that receives food from the esophag and sends it to the intestine B Third part of the small intestine C Throat D Second part of the small intestine E Large intestine F First part of the small intestine G Opening that is the beginning of the digestive system H Tube that carries food to the stomach Column II A Opening of the colon to the outside of the body B Sac that stores bile C S shaped lower portion of the large intestine D Organ that makes bile stores sugar and produces proteins to clot blood E Gland that makes both digestive juices and insulin hormone F Small sac that hangs from the beginning of the large intestine G Tube that carries bile from the liver and gallbladder to the intestine