Consider a mass pulley system as shown in the figure There
Last updated: 6/7/2023

Consider a mass pulley system as shown in the figure There is a wedge of mass M and equa wedge angles lying on a rigid horizontal table The coefficient of friction between the wedge and the table is There are two blocks of mass m and my lying on the incline of the wedge Th coefficients of friction between the blocks and wedge are and 2 as shown in the figure Conside m m and the coefficients of friction and to be less than tan Gravity is actin downwards with acceleration due to gravity g What should be the value of so that the syster is in equilibrium m m X 1 3 m X21 Cose sin 0 2 sin cos X4 12 cos sin 0 sin cos H cos 0 sin 0 sin cos cos sin 0 M