Creature 1 Creature 2 Creature 3 Procedure fill in the table
Last updated: 1/10/2024

Creature 1 Creature 2 Creature 3 Procedure fill in the table as you go Compare the three sequences By how many nucleotide positions do each differ By what percent do they differ divide the number of positions that differ by the total number of nucleotides This is their evolutionary distance Construct the tree in the space below the table Remember that the branching order will be dictated by the evolutionary distances that you calculated i e the two more closely related organisms will reside closer on the tree to each other organism C GUAGAGC GCU GA C C CAA GAC GUGG C C CAA GAUCUGC C 1 to 2 1 to 3 2 to 3 total nucleotides 12 12 12 number of evolutionary differing nucleotide positions 5 4 3 distance column 3 divided by column 2 0 416 0 333 0 25