D 1 Decreasing osmotic pressure in capillaries and causing
Last updated: 3/5/2024

D 1 Decreasing osmotic pressure in capillaries and causing edema swelling in tissues Increasing blood volume and hydrostatic pressure in capillaries thereby increasing blood pressure Increasing hydrostatic pressure in capillaries and causing edema swelling in tissues Decreasing blood volume and osmotic pressure in capillaries thereby increasing blood pressure 1 point Which of the following would not be expected from taking a diuretic drug Lower plasma volume Increased heart rate Decreased blood pressure Increased urine output plasma would alter capillary exchange by 1 point Which of the following is least involved in pulmonary circulation Superior vena cava Right ventricle Pulmonary arteries and veins Left atrium 2 1 point A thrombus blood clot in the first branch of the arch of the aorta would affect the flow of blood to the Myocardium of the heart Left side of head and neck