D Repair of cell membrane damage 7 Which of the following
Last updated: 2/5/2023

D Repair of cell membrane damage 7 Which of the following structure function pairs is correct A Microtubule low resistence pathway between adjacent cells B Ribosome location of steroid synthesis C Inner mitochondrial membrane site of electron transport system D Golgi apparatus mitochondrial formation D Which of the following is not true of the lasma membrane A contains receptors for communication B forms intercellular connections C is a rigid sheet of molecules with little flexibility D regulates material movement into and out of the cell D lysosomes 8 Which of the following events occurs during telophase of mitosis A Chromatids separate R Chromosomes coil Nuclear envelope disappears Chromosomes uncoil OR A 10 Which of the following structure function pairs is correct A SER ribosome formation B Golgi apparatus protein synthesis C Microtubule electron transport system D lysosomes intracellular digestion