D Structure of Molecules and Molecular Ions On a separate
Last updated: 6/16/2023

D Structure of Molecules and Molecular Ions On a separate sheet of paper set up the following table with eight columns for each of the molecules molecular ions that are assigned to you your group The central atom of the molecule molecular ion is italicized Molecule or Molecular Ion 1 CH 2 SF 3 H 0 a H O b NH3 c NH t Lewis Structure H H C H H a Gal b PC1 F3 c BrF3 Valence Shell Bonding Electron Electron Pairs Pairs 4 4 d CH e SnH f BF Nonbonding Electron Pairs 0 1 Complete the table as outlined above for the following molecules molecular ions all of which obey the Lewis octet rule Complete those that are assigned by your laboratory instructor g PO h PF3 i AsH3 VSEPR Formula AX g XeOF h SbF6 i SF j SiF4 k H S 1 NH Approx Bond Angle 109 5 2 Complete the table as outlined above for the following molecules molecular ions none of which obey the Lewis octet rule Complete those that are assigned by your laboratory instructor d XeF2 e XeF4 f XeOF Geometric Shape tetrahedral j SnF2 k IFA 1 IFA