Data Below are the opening sentences from the Republican and
Last updated: 7/10/2022

Data Below are the opening sentences from the Republican and Democratic Platforms in 1968. Opening to the Republican Platform, 1968: A century ago, Abraham Lincoln gave that leadership. From it came one nation, consecrated to liberty and justice for all. Fifteen years ago, Dwight D. Eisenhower gave that leadership. brought the end of a war, eight years of peace, enhanced respect in the world, orderly progress at home, and trust of our people in their leaders and in themselves. Today, we are in turmoil. Tens of thousands of young men have died or been wounded in Vietnam. Many young people are losing faith in our society. Our inner cities have become centers of despair. Opening to the Democratic Platform, 1968: In America and in the world over, strong forces for change are on the move. Systems of thought have been jarred, ways of life have been uprooted, institutions are under siege. The governed challenge those who govern. We are summoned, therefore, to a fateful task-to ensure that the turmoil of change will prove to be the turmoil of birth instead of decay. We cannot stand still until we are overtaken by events. We dare not entrust our lives to the blind play of accident and force. By reflection and choice, we must make the impulse for change the agent of orderly progress. Part B What did you notice about the differences in the two opening statements? What appeals to voters did you read in the Republican statement? Who do you think the Democrats were trying to appeal to?