Date of Visit: 12/24/YYYY Patient Name: unknown Date of
Last updated: 7/9/2022

Date of Visit: 12/24/YYYY Patient Name: unknown Date of Birth: 1/31/1975 Gender:M Patient Type: Inpatient Reason for Visit:Psoriasis Notes/Comments: Unit 5 Case Study 3 PREPROCEDURE DIAGNOSIS: Acute respiratory failure due to Hanta Virus POSTPROCEDURE DIAGNOSIS: acute respiratory failure due to Hanta Virus INDICATIONS: The patient was placed on Dovonex at night and triamcinolone during the day last time without improvement in his psoriasis. The patient would like to start photochemotherapy with PUVA today. PROCEDURE: Patient was intubated and placed on a ventilator for 16 hours. Patient was transferred to the University Hospital for further treatment.