Day AmountDayAmountDay Amount 10 1.00165 70 1.01157 130
Last updated: 8/11/2022

Day AmountDayAmountDay Amount 10 1.00165 70 1.01157 130 1.02160 20 1.00329 80 1.01323 140 1.02328 30 1.00494 90 1.01490 150 1.02496 40 1.00660 100 1.01657 160 1.02665 50 1.00825 110 1.01825 170 1.02834 60 1.00991 120 1.01992 180 1.03002 You opened a savings account with a deposit of $2,900 at a 6% interest rate compounded daily. True or False: The amount in the account after 100 days if you made no other deposits or withdrawals is $2,948.05. True False