Decide the appropriate tax schedule from below for the given
Last updated: 2/23/2023

Decide the appropriate tax schedule from below for the given question Use the chosen tax schedule to answer the question Schedule X Use if your 2014 filing status is Single If line 5 is But not over Over SO 9 075 9 075 36 900 The tax is 10 907 50 15 36 900 89 350 5 081 25 25 28 18 193 75 89 350 186 350 186 350 405 100 45 353 75 33 405 100 406 750 117 541 25 35 406 750 39 6 118 118 75 of the amount over Schedule Z Use if your 2014 filing status is Head of household 0 9 075 36 900 89 350 If line 5 is Over But not over SO 12 950 12 950 49 400 49 400 127 550 127 550 206 600 206 600 405 100 186 350 405 100 432 200 405 100 432 200 406 750 The tax is 10 1 295 00 15 6 762 50 25 26 300 00 28 48 434 00 33 113 939 00 35 123 424 00 39 6 of the amount over SO 12 950 49 400 127 550 206 600 405 100 432 200 Fabio is not married and does not support any other individuals If he expects to earn 10 820 in taxable income from doing freelance painting what is his estimated tax amount rounded to the nearest allor Do not include a dollar sign in your answer