Density is the number of individuals present in a certain
Last updated: 7/30/2022

Density is the number of individuals present in a certain area. Imagine that the population you projected from TO to T8 lived in an area 10m x 10m. At first, the population had a density of 1 organism per 10 m^2 (1/10) or 0.1. By the second time period the density was 0.2. Calculating the density allows you to estimate the average amount of space an organism has in which to live, collect food and produce offspring. a) Calculate density from TO to T8; record it in the last accounting column (this is the worksheet in your lab manual). b) Now think about what does this mean in the real world. On average, how much space is allotted to each organism at T1, T3, and T8? For example, if at T1 each individual is allotted 5 square meters, how much space does each individual have at T3 and T8? (Note: this is NOT the same calculation you did for density, and think about the number you calculate before you submit-does it make sense?)